Planet Calypso Forum


Planet Calypso Forum - Calypso News. Login to Entropia Life. Create Account. What is Entropia Life. MindArk Verified. Entropia Universe. Guide To Hunting. Guide To Mining. Guide To Crafting. Guide To Creatures. Guide To Trading. User Testimonials. On the forums. Jan 27, 2011  For $6 million you could buy a heck of a lot of tacos - or one virtual planet. Wisely, SEE Virtual Worlds went the latter route, snapping up Planet Calypso from MindArk and saving itself massive.

Explore Planet Calypso, the MMO-RPG experience where your decisions counts for real in a stunning 3D-experience!Planet Calypso features a Real Cash economy and can be explored on all levels as an explorer, entrepreneur or in a number of other professions and roles.While go after the indigenous species or the ubiquitous Robot menace that from on have threatened the planet look for precious resources using seismic investigation methods and more.Some choose to tools, weapons and other items for the open market where Calypsians can both. Others simply join for a truly great Virtual World experience in a Sci-fi MMO setting.As a colonist on Planet Calypso all this is your world too! Explore Calypso without commitments, it will always be free.When you wish to take part in Calypso's economy simply add funds to your Avatar's account by either working or depositing. Work: Earn money by performing paid jobs or by collecting resources for other colonists.

Deposit: Deposit money via credit card and other options to your avatar’s PED card. You can even withdraw from your avatar account into your real-world bank account.Begin an adventure that lets you shape your own destiny -Become a colonist of Calypso, a planet full of new friends, fun and business!

Steno Arcade is a suite of four arcade games designed to teach and drill steno and keyboarding fundamentals in an immersive, addictive, responsive, and interactive way. Steno Arcade is 100% free and open source and works with any steno machine or keyboard. The Early Access build of Steno Arcade includes one of the four games in the suite, Steno. Steno arcade for sale.

Starter packs Available from June 10 2014Getting ready for the adventure has gotten a lot easier!Getting those first items for your avatar in one transaction AND getting the new stylish look of Cympatech corp:s new armors in the process is a bargain! The new starter packs, labelled Bronze, Silver and Gold, aree available for $5, $15 and $40 respectively. The Silver and Gold packages will also contain an amount of PED, the currency of Entropia Universe, so you can participate in the economy right from the start.

Explore Planet Calypso, the MMO-RPG experience where your decisions counts for real in a stunning 3D-experience!Planet Calypso features a Real Cash economy and can be explored on all levels as an explorer, entrepreneur or in a number of other professions and roles.While go after the indigenous species or the ubiquitous Robot menace that from on have threatened the planet look for precious resources using seismic investigation methods and more.Some choose to tools, weapons and other items for the open market where Calypsians can both. Others simply join for a truly great Virtual World experience in a Sci-fi MMO setting.As a colonist on Planet Calypso all this is your world too! Explore Calypso without commitments, it will always be free.When you wish to take part in Calypso's economy simply add funds to your Avatar's account by either working or depositing. Work: Earn money by performing paid jobs or by collecting resources for other colonists. Deposit: Deposit money via credit card and other options to your avatar’s PED card. You can even withdraw from your avatar account into your real-world bank account.Begin an adventure that lets you shape your own destiny -Become a colonist of Calypso, a planet full of new friends, fun and business!

Starter packs Available from June 10 2014Getting ready for the adventure has gotten a lot easier!Getting those first items for your avatar in one transaction AND getting the new stylish look of Cympatech corp:s new armors in the process is a bargain! The new starter packs, labelled Bronze, Silver and Gold, aree available for $5, $15 and $40 respectively.

The Silver and Gold packages will also contain an amount of PED, the currency of Entropia Universe, so you can participate in the economy right from the start.