Sociotown The Uninvited Guests
.All achievements have been tested. So once they're approved by the admin, it should appear in your profile.The full name of this game is SocioTown: The Uninvited Guests. But I guess the name was too long for Newgrounds.Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the game. It's actually based off a promo trailer I did for our MMO a couple of years back. The video was fairly popular on Youtube (at least by our standards) and I thought it would make an interesting game concept. So that's what I ended up doing.SocioTown: The Uninvited Guests is basically a classic adventure game simplified. I enjoyed making this game and I would love to create more Adventure games in a similar style if this game is well-received.Hope you guys like it!Update 1 - Based off player feedback, I've made the following modifications:- Chat Bubbles now skip faster-Throwing away trash is now also faster- Added more sound effects so the chatting sound becomes less repetitive.- And other minor fixes.I still don't know why the achievement medals haven't appeared on the game page yet.
Play Uninvited Online Uninvited Guest Free Online sociotown the uninvited guests toilet paper Yeast Causes Yeast Infection Information 5 stars. Absolutely love this game!!!!! I wanted more!!! Wish there were more games like this!!! I actually liked the.
I'm a bit disappointed about that since I spent quite a bit of time implementing Newgrounds achievements. Someone help me get the attention of an Admin.:).
Contributed by Fenton Ramsey on Jun 24, 2006 (message contributor)
(rate this sermon)7,623 views
Summary: This sermon views the guest of The Great Wedding Feast parable of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Matthew 22: 8-14
We are being prepared (in this life) for a Great Wedding Feast (which is life eternal). We are being prepared by the privileges of church-membership. Yes my brothers and sisters it is truly a PRIVILAGE to be a member of the body of Christ.
We are being prepared by the entire blessing of the NEW COVENANT! We are being prepared by the gospel and ALL of the riches found in them!! Our preparation also includes access to the throne of Grace or our ability to pray (Thank you Jesus) to God the Father. The Holy Spirit is here to comfort us, and we hold fast to a well-grounded hope of life eternal. We are truly being prepared!!
The invitation has been sent, the table is set, and ALL are invited. Are you an invited guest or will you choose to become an uninvited guest?
This parable told by Jesus is truly a self-examining story. Look at what Jesus says in verse 8. He proclaims THE WEDDING IS READY! The wedding of Jesus (The Groom) and the church (His bride). It is ready for the gentile (or us who are not Jews), because previous invitations were sent to the Jews, and they CHOSE not to accept, because of their contempt of Christ! Like Israel of old, the promise land was there for them, but because of unbelief, constant murmuring or complaining, and out right disobedience to God, they were left out, and many perished in the wilderness.
Look at Jesus’ statement regarding the Kings’ commands: GO and gather together as many as you can!! Jesus is simply saying this: God the Father is ready to accept us, Jesus the son to intercede for us, and the Holy Spirit to sanctify us!! Pardon from sin is ready, comfort is ready, ALL the promises are ready, angels are ready to attend us, heaven is ready to receive us, it is a kingdom prepared, and ready to be revealed at the end of times. We are all invited! The bad and the good among us!
Jesus has a message for all of us within these sacred scriptures. Jesus is giving the illustration of the uninvited guest here in this parable. Why is he uninvited? Why would anyone in his or her right mind want to miss out on eternal life with Jesus?? I personally cannot answer that for another person, but let us look at this uninvited guest, and see the answer unfold before us this morning.
The word says this uninvited guest was not clothed properly for the occasion. He came like he wanted to come. Jesus stated that he did not have on the proper wedding garment. What makes the matter even worse for this uninvited guest is that the wedding garment was provided AT the occasion. All he had to do was choose his size, and put it on. The garment was handed right to him BEFORE he entered, BUT he figured the garment he had on was adequate enough for the occasion.
What an insult to the Great Host of this feast. It was insulting because during the days that Jesus walked the earth as mortal man, it was customary for the host of the feast to provide garments for all that attended.
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Let us look a little closer at the garments this person refused, and how by refusing to be clothed properly, this individual insulted the King, thus, CHOOSING eternal damnation. Hohokam.
The garments that Jesus speaks of are not a physical thread of clothing. The Lord our God is not impressed my brothers and sisters with sharp three-piece double-breasted suits or fancy dresses and big hats. Young people, the Lord our God is not impressed with the latest trend of Hip Hop gear. Jesus is speaking of the Garment of Righteousness. Jesus is simply telling us to dress ourselves with HIM!!
The wedding garment is truly accepting Jesus in our hearts, and LIVING a life agreeable to the GOSPEL!! Get decked out in Jesus! Dress (with Jesus) to impress someone and get him or her to ask: WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED??!!?
Let’s look even closer at this uninvited guest. This individual has his PERSONAL garment on. This person was dwelling and fitting in with the other guest. I would imagine this person held a position in the church. Yes, if we look at this individual in a present tense mind, he OR she may have been a deacon, a choir member, an usher, a trustee, or even a preacher. Maybe this individual was the leader of an auxiliary, and was well thought of within the church and within the community.
This individual chose not the garment, because I say again, they felt their own personal garment was adequate enough for the occasion. This uninvited guest was eating with the other guest, talking with them, and having a good time with the others. This individual may have been seated at the best table at many church banquets. Oh but here at this Great Feast, the King, with His piercing eyes will see and reveal exactly what this uninvited guest truly is!
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