Tenchu Stealth Assassins Walkthrough Video


Tenchu Stealth Assassins video walkthrough by Cloud12817. 16 videos on playlist. Tenchu Stealth Assassins video walkthrough guide. Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more. Tenchu Shadow Assassins Walkthrough Videos (Normal) (Completed)Total number of 26 videos by ASHfire06 (03:59:40). Title, Duration, Date.

PETER 'StarbladeX2' PAPADOPOULOS PRESENTS. / '/ / `.;; ;; ` ;; / /. `./ / / ' `/ '.'

Tenchu Shadow Assassins FAQ & Walkthrough by Leyviur v 1.00DisclaimerThis walkthrough may only be used for personal use, and may be usedelectronically as long as it remains unaltered. Latest updates of thisFAQ can be found at GameFAQs (This guide iscopyright Abraham Liu. Please do not repost it without permission; ifyou ask, I will likely consent, so please spare the five seconds neededto ask!Send any questions, comments, corrections, or death threats toleyviur@gmail.comLast update was on Thursday, April 30, 2009.Table of Contents1. Introduction TSInt2. Controls TSCon3. Story Mode Walkthrough TSStoStage 1 - The Evil Merchant TSS01Stage 2 - The Bandit Ringleader TSS02Stage 3 - Daimyo Tado TSS03Stage 4 - Goda Castle TSS04Stage 5 - Ayame TSS05Stage 6 - The Princess TSS06Stage 7 - The Merchant TSS07Stage 8 - The Princess TSS08Stage 9 - Escorting the Princess TSS09Stage 10 - Sekiya Naotada TSS104.

Version History TSVer5. Credits TSCreI. INTRODUCTION TSIntTenchu: Shadow Assassins is the latest in the Tenchu series of gamesfocusing on stealth and cunning instead of just running in guns (orswords, in this case) blazing. The developers have changed things upby making the camera behind the back a la Resident Evil 4 and 5, andit makes the game play considerably differently from previous entriesin the series.The PSP version has half the stages of the Wii (the Wii has Shadowversions of each stage), but with the ability to play it portably,this is an ok loss, the fact that they werea ble to squeeze everythinginto the UMD is nothing less than a miracle.II. CONTROLS TSConL - RunYou can run, but it'll alert enemies easily.R - HayateHayate allows you to move between shadowed areas without being spottedby enemies.

You'll be relying on this a lot.Triangle - Ninja VisionShows you enemy field of vision and hiding areas. You'll be using thisa lot too to gauge where enemies are.Square - Stealth Kill / HissatsuWhen an enemy is near you and is not in alert mode, you can use thesquare button to stealth kill him. However if he is in alert mode(searching for you) he'll be untouchable until he gives up.X - JumpSelf explanatory.O - ActionUsed to do special actions such as climb onto rafters.Directional buttons - Item usageLeft and right pick your items, up drops your current item, and downuses the item (you'll go into aiming mode for this, use the O buttonto use the item).Analog Stick - MovementAgain, self explanatory.III. STORY MODE TSStoSTAGE 1 - THE EVIL MERCHANT TSS01Run forward and kill the guard.

Go through the door to your right. Killthe guard ahead of you and stick to the wall's shadows until you canget to the next guard and kill him as well. Go through the gates.Hide in the thickets to your left and blow out the candle. Use the newshadows to get to the next pile of thickets where you can hide. Keepgoing and pick up the box, put it next to the wall, jump on it, andclimb the wall. Keep following the path (you can kill the enemies frominside the gate to get hissatsu scores). Along the path, you'll finda bamboo tube.

Get it, and fill it with water in the nearby pot. Useit to put out the torch.

Go through the bushes so you can kill theguard. Go through the nearby door, and jump onto the rafters on yourleft.

Be careful while navigating these rafters, because you caneasily fall off. When you get above the guard, hissatsu kill him. Nowjump down and go through the door.Kill the guard nearest to you, then hide in the thickets.

Go to theright of where you began and jump into the water. Your bamboo tubewill keep you silent in the water. You can go right until you canstealth kill the guard standing near the bridge. Now swim to the otherside right in front of the goal and get out of the water.

Turn aroundand stealth kill the guard on the bridge. Then go back towards the goaland turn left, keep followign this path until you see a guard with hisback towards you. Stealth kill him and grab the nearby rock. Now go tothe goal and enter.Go forward and pick up the shuriken.

Use it to kill the guard by thewell. Beside the well there will be a sword. Drop your rocks and takethe sword, then use it to break the lock on the nearby door.

Enter andtake the shuriken directly in front of you. Turn left and you'll see acandle.

Use a shuriken to blow it out. Walk forward while staying inthe shadows, then turn right into the doorway. Now, go through the doorto the right, and then the other open door. You can then stealth killall three enemies here. Now go to the goal but don't enter yet.

Turnleft and kill the guard there by going through the shadows. Now go tothe goal.Turn right, jump and climb onto the shelf, then walk forward and killthe guard. Jump down, then go through the door. Pick up the nearbysword, and hide in the thickets. Walk forward and kill the guard. Nowgo left and through the door nearby and kill the guard here, too.

Nowgo to the house opposite the one you are in now. As you enter, go tothe right. Circle around to the guard and stealth kill him. Now gothrough the goal door.Hide in the bushes and inch forward. Kill the guard, and go through thedoor. Go to the right and jump up onto the rafters.

From the raftersyou are able to stealth kill every enemy, including the Merchant,easily without being seen.STAGE 2 - THE BANDIT RINGLEADER TSS02Hide in the bushes and when the guard turns his back, stealth kill him.Now jump down to get a bamboo tube. Go up to the other side and stealthkill the guard there. You'll find a sword inside a nearby door.

Godown the path and stealth kill a guard there. Now go through the goal.Put out the torch with your bamboo tube, and go right to the well.

Getthe bamboo tube there and turn left. Hide in the thickets when theguard can't see you, then while he has his back turned, come out andkill him. Go to the watchtower from the shadows so you won't getspotted. Behind the tower is the goal.Go forward and you'll find a guard. When he turns around, kill himfrom behind. Keep to the shadows and fo to the right, then through thenearby door.

Go forward while staying to the right, and you'lleventually find a guard. When he turns around, kill him. Now exit theroom and kill the guard who ahs his back turned.

Take the shuriken andthen hide in the thickets. Kill the patrol when he's turned away.Walk forward, then left, and kill the guard there, as far away fromthe gate as you can. Hide behind the gate and a guard will comethrough. Kill him and go through the gate. Kill the guard to yourleft and go through the goal.Take the fishing rod and to the left is a key. Use the fishing rodto grab they key and unlock the gate.

Now hide in the thickets andwhen a guard gets near kill him. Go to the water and jump in. Go tothe other side, and walk around the guard and kill him. Now go throughthe goal.Go right so you can kill the guard as he nears you. Now go to theguard who has his back turned and kill him and take the key nearby.It can be used to unlock the exit.Hide in the shadows and then behind the pillar, and kill the nearbyguard when he has his back turned. Now take a box and go to the otherpillar and jump onto the higher ledge. When the guard is under you,kill him.

Now climb up and go left, then jump over the hole. There isa guard here that you can kill. Once you do, go above the ringleaderand stealth kill him.STAGE 3 - DAIMYO TADO TSS03Go forward and hide in the jar. When the guard walks nearby stealthkill him. Now go right and you'll see a guard doing rounds. Wait untilhe turns his back and can't see you, then jump into the makeshiftcloset there and kill him when he gets close.

You'll find a torchnearby with a rock behind it. Jump into the pot nearby and kill theguard when he is near. Now go forward and you'll see another jar thatyou can use to stealth kill another guard.

Go to the end of the pathand stealth kill the guard when his back is turned. Keep moving onand you'll find another guard patrolling the area. Wait for him toturn, then kill him. Use a rock to take out the guard patrolling aboveyou. Now go through the gate.Jump on the crate, then jump over the fence and hide in the hole tothe left. Come out when the guard is nearby and he has his back turnedtowards you and kill him. Now go to your left and hide in the closetand kill the guard when he is near.

Another guard will be patrollingthis area. While he has his back turned towards you, come out of thehiding place and stealth kill him. Follow the path he was patrollingon and you can kill the two guards further on easily.

Go to the goal.Go forward and kill the sleeping guard. Continue on and you'll see aguard walking beyond two holes in the ground. Hit him with a rock whenhe's near a pit to kill him. From here use a sword to break the locknearby. Inside, kill the guard when he turns his back to you and toyour left when you go out you'll see a guard. You can nowgo through the goal.Go forward and jump into the pot. When the guard gets near, kill him.Now go left and up the stairs, picking up the smoke bombs on the way,and throw a smoke bomb at the nearest guard.

Run in and kill them all.Go out the nearby door and jump up onto the rafters so you can killthe guard when he comes. Now jump down and go to the goal.Hide in the thickets and then throw a rock at the gunner.

Keep movingbetween the bushes and kill the guard nearby. Another guard will bewalking ahead, kill him when his back is turned.

Now go into thetunnel and you'll be faced with two guards. You'll have to kill one,then the other quickly when they have their backs turned. Now keepgoing to the goal.Take the poison at the left. Now hide at the right so you don't getspotted.

When the servant comes out and goes to the Daimyo, run intothe small room she was in and posion the water inside. Now jump ontothe rafters and wait for the Daimyo to be poisoned.You'll have to fight a female ninja in a swordfight now, it's fairlystraightforward.STAGE 4 - GODA CASTLE TSS04Go left and hide in the shadows, and make your way into the thickets.Kill the guard, and take the nearby shuriken.

Use the shuriken to killthe ninja hiding to the left of the gate, and then go to the guard andkill him, then walk to the guard just standing there and kill him. Nowtake the kasugai to the left and use it to go to the goal.Extinguish the nearby torch and go through the shadows on your left.Now you'll see two guards, one standing, one walking.

When the walkingone won't notice, Throw a shuriken at the gunner, and it'll kill bothhim and the standing guard. Now go behind the walking guard and killhim as well.

Keep going and you'll find a wagon and nearby is abalcony. Crawl under the balcony to the thickets and use it to sneakpast the two guards, then jump out and kill them. Go to the goal.Extinguish the flame, and then hide in the shadows and go forward. Nowkill the walking guard and keep going forward and extinguishing thecandles.

Eventually you'll find a guard around the corner. Wait forhim to turn around and kill him. Jump into the water and swim underthe bridge and the to the left. Kill the guard by going out of thewater when the guard turns his back. Go to the guard watching thebridge and kill him from behind. Now going into the building and youwill see a guard that will continually turn. When he can't notice you,run in and kill him.

Then go to the goal.Turn to the left and use a shuriken to kill the guard in the thickets.There's now another guard walking on the path. Kill him when he'sturned around and go to the shadows to the right. You'll find an opendoor and a box nearby.

Use it to jump onto the roof and down the otherside. Kill the guard in the room nearby and go back out and go up towhere the fireworks are.

Hide along the wall and kill the two guardsthen go to the goal.Go to the right, up the stairs, and then up onto the rafters. Walk toa guard and kill him, and jump down. Go through the nearby door andkill the guard that's sitting down, then kill the sleeping guard. Nearthe sleeping guard there is a Ninjato.

Take the box and go back to thestart of the section and use the box to get up to the rafters. Followthe rafters and stealth kill the guard, then drop down and you'lleventually come upon a guard that turns every so often. When he turnsaway, kill him and go up the stairs.Walk while hanging left and turn right, then hide in the shadows. Turnright and go hrough the nearby door.

There will be a kasugai here, useit to go under the mattress when the guard leaves. Kill him when hecomes back. Now go back to the beginning and use a shuriken to killthe ninja outside the window. Now move on, and you'll find a guarddoing rounds. Kill him, and go through the nearby door.

Kill the guardnearby who is looking away. Now go up the stairs to the goal.Climb up the rafters and kill the guard as you move forward. Now dropdown and when you have a chance, run in the door and hide under thetable. Kill the patrol, then the sitting guard, and then jump onto thecrates.

Now go upstairs and go forward, hiding in the shadows. There'sa guard hidden here, use a shuriken to kill him.

Move to the windowand you'll see a guard below. Jump into the shadows below andextinguish the light, then kill the guard when he is near. Continue onand kill the guard when he looks away, then pick up the key. Now, go towhere you killed the guard who was sitting down. There is a door nearbylocked, use the key to unlock it. Now go to the exit.

You'll have tofight Ayame in a sword duel now.STAGE 5 - AYAME TSS05Go right and jump onto the tree branch. Jump to the next tree, thendrop down to the right to grab the kasugai. Now go back onto the treeamd jump to the next tree, then drop to the ground. Keep going and getonto the ledge to the left and kill the guard. Now go back and go leftso you can use the kasugai you got to climb the stone barrier.

Keepgoing and kill the guard as you drop down. Now go right in the shadowsand kill another guard, then turn left and go to the cliff. Jump ontothe platform, and then onto the tree. Jump forward through the treesthen jump down. Hang onto the cliff and kill the samurai, and go tothe goal.Grab the Ninjato to the right. Cross the bridge, then jump onto thetrees to cross the hole.

Go up onto the ledge and turn right. Jumpover the broken bridge, go left, jump down, and then use the trees togo over the hole. Go back down to the ground and jump over the hole.Keep pressing on and jump over the hole on your left, Stealth killthe guard and then go up and hide in the thickets.

Kill the walkingguard first then the standing guard. Now go jump onto the crate nearbyand hang onto the ledge and kill the guard, then drop down and killthe other guard when his back is turned. You'll eventually see anotherbroken bridge. Jump over it and go to the goal.Keep moving between thickets and go under the wagon until you get tothe bridge, then drop off and kill the guards there.

Now hide in thethickets nearby and keep moving along them, and kill the guard. Nowget to the next bush ASAP and kill the guard when he gets near to you.Go to the goal now.Go to the right in the shadows and kill the walking guard when hedoesn't notice you. Now go back into the shadows until you reach thebuilding corner and kill the guard when he has his back turned. Nowgo back to where you started and kill the gunner with a shuriken.There will also be a guard near a well. Kill him with a shuriken andalso a ninja in the sadows near the wall. Now go in the house and getthe key and more shuriken, and go unlock the door near the tower, andgo through the goal.Go through the door, and go to your right.

There are two guards here.When the walking guard won't notice, run out and kill the standing oneand then quickly kill the walking one. Now go left and there will bea lone guard which you should easily be able to take down. Down gointo the house on your right and you'll find a key. Now keep goingon the path and go into the door on the right. Unlock the door andkill the guard, then go through the goal.A ninja guard is running around near a nearby house. Go to where he is(you can see the ninja during his rounds) and kill him when he is near.Blow out the candle and hide in the shadows to avoid the samurai.

Inthe back you are able to jump onto the roof. Give the samurai deathfrom above and then kill the gunner on the tower with a shuriken. Now,go to the balcony outside, then through the thickets and under thewagon to end the level.STAGE 6 - THE PRINCESS TSS06Grab the kunai nearby and kill the hidden ninja in the thickets beyondthe torch. Go into the cave and you'll find a guard. Wait until heturns his back and then kill him.

Continue through the tunnels and youwill see rafters. A ninja will be hidden in these raftes a ways offand there will be a guard as well. Jump onto the rafters and kill theguard, then use a kunai to kill the ninja. Continue through the caveuntil you're outside again and you'll find a guard to the left of theexit, as well as a ninja in the thickets. Kill the ninja and then hidein the bushes to kill the guard. Now go to the goal.You'll find a cat in front of you.

Go to the gate and you'll find aninja to your left. Kill him, and go left. There is a ninja under thebalcony.

Kill him with a kunai and go right. Under the bridge you'llsee another ninja, so kill him as well. Now go through the gate andyou'll find a guard and ninja on a bridge. You'll want to kill theninja so that he falls on the samurai. Now go to the corner and use thecat in order to jump over the boxes. Now go into the hole and then thestairs.

Kill the guard sleeping here and get the cat, and go to thegoal.You'll see a guard walking away. Kill him, and continue on. You'll seea guard to the left. Kill him, and then take the box full of explosivesand put it by the blockade at the entrance to the cave. Use a kunai toblow it up and go in the cave.

Kill the ninja at the other side of thedoor in the cave with a kunai, then kill the gunner from behind. Gothrough the cave and kill another gunner, and eventually you'll beoutside again. Use a cat to get into the house with a hole and killthe guard near the goal from behind. Now go to the goal.Go to the right and go under the balcony to kill the guard. Then throwa kunai at the ninja at the bridge. Now go forward and to the leftis a gaurd. Kill him when his back is turned, and take the cat.

Usethe cat to go through the wall. Get the Ghostmaker and then use it toblow out the weakened wall. When it's safe, go out and turn right,killing the ninja with a kunai or shuriken, then keep going and killthe ninja with his back turned. You'll find an enemy near someexplosives, so use the kunai to destroy the explosives and kill him.STAGE 7 - THE MERCHANT TSS07Go forward and hide in the nearby thickets. Move through the thicketsand kill the guard.

Wait for the ninja to have his back to you thenkill him, too. Now hide in the bushes and kill the guard, and thengo onto the roof. Now jump onto the roof of the nearby house made ofwood and get the kunai, then jump onto the roof of the next building.You should be able to see the goal from here.

There will be threeenemies here, a guard near the exit and two to your left. Kill thewalking guard closest to you first, then the guard further to your leftsecond, then the standing guard near the exit. Now go through thegoal.Go to the right of the pillar, and kill the ninja on the left. Hide inthe shadows and kill the standing ninja, then run behind anotherwalking ninja and stealth kill him (be careful not to be seen by thegunner). Now jump on a nearby box and then upstairs, and kill thewalking ninja up here.

Now jump over the nearby hole on the ground andkill the walking ninja while he's walking away. Then use a kunai tokill the gunner. There is a samurai right under a hole, so jump downand kill him. Now go to the goal.There is a guard towards your left that you can hit with a kunai tomake him fall down a well. After you hit him, use another kunai tokill a ninja in a thicket.

Now go to the right of the garden and you'llfind a bamboo tube. From here you can see some doors.

There is a ninjahiding in the thickets near these doors. Use a kunai to kill him.

Nowgo back to where you began the section and jump into the rafters.Cross over the fire, drop down, and grab the ghostmaker. Kill thewalking ninja around the corner from behind.

Now climb onto the rafterson the boxes, and kill the walking samurai from above. You'll seea hole in the wall you can go out of. There'll be a walking guardoutside who you can kill. Now go to the goal.Grab the kunai in front of you and go forward. Kill the ninja to yourright when his back is towards you and use kunai to kill the ninjaon both sides. Now drop down and kill the ninja near the goal. Whenthe samurai can't see you, run and jump over the water, under thebridge, then up some boxes upstairs.

Now hide in the thickets and killthe guard. Now go to the goal.Go forward and jump onto the ledges to kill a walking ninja. Above,there will be another ninja and two guards. Hide in the thickets, thenunder the balcony to kill the walking guard. Now, from where youstarted, hide in the shadows and kill the ninja in the corner with akunai. Keep yourself hidden in the shadows until the walking ninjahas his back towards you, then kill him. As you move ahead, therewill be a ninja hiding in the shadows.

Take care not to happen uponhim while you're moving, and kill him with a kunai. Now go to thegoal.Extinguish the flames, then hide in the shadows. Move through theshadows and kill the nearby guard, and then use a kunai on the gunnerin the tower to kill him.

Now go to the corner and hide in the shadowsto sneak up on a guard and kill him. Now keep going through thepath and you'll find a guard that keeps turning. Kill him when he'sturned away and keep going.

Hide under the balcony in order to sneakup on the next guard and kill him, as well. Now go into the houseand go to the left when you see a guard. Jump into the rafters andmake your way to the merchant.

Kill him from above to end the level.STAGE 8 - THE PRINCESS TSS08Go through the thickets and kill the guard while his back is ruend. Nowgrab the box he dropped and put it near the wall you can climb and useit to get over. Now you'll see an open door ahead. There is a guardpatrolling the area, so let him pass and run past him into the house.Now jump into the rafters and you'll see a second guard. Kill both theguards from above the rafters, and then continue onward.

You'll find awalking guard near the goal. Wait until his back is turned, and killhim. Then take the key in the room and open the doors to the goal.Extinguish the nearby light source, then hide in the shadows to killa guard. Now go right and kill the guard when he's turning away fromyou. Now go back to the beginning and keep extinguishing the lightsand moving in the shadows.

Eventually you'll see a servant. Kill herand hide behing the door. There is a guard in the next room, whenhe turns his back, kill him. Now go to the guard's path and you'lleventually find another guard.

When he can't see you, extinguish thelights and hide in the shadows, then kill him when he is near. Headto the goal.Now, take the kunai to your left. Hide in the shadows and when theguard comes near, kill him. Getting to the door, run out when theguard won't see you and hide in the thickets, then kill him. Grab thefishing rod and key nearby and unlock the door. When inside the door,jump into the rafters from the shelf on your left.

Kill the guard, thenthrow a kunai at a ninja in the rafters. Now go to the goal.Hide in the thickets so you can kill the samurai. Use the fishing rodyou got from the previous area to kill the samurai on the bridge, andthen take the smoke bomb on the bridge when you're sure you won't bespotted. Now go to the stone pavement hide in the thickets in orderto kill a ninja. Now keep going down the path to kill another ninja.Go to the goal.Jump into the thickets on your left, and then kill the guard. Nowyou'll see two more guards beyond the door nearby. When it is safe,go into the room and hide in the nearby hiding spot.

Now kill the guardwhen he gets near and then jump onto the rafters in order to kill theother guard. Now jump down and go into the nearby hallway and you'llsee a guard on the left. Kill him and grab the key. Take the ninjaveil in the room and then hide in the shadows. Move forward and you'llsee the goal being guarded. Kill the guard and go through the goal.You'll see a guard immediately upon the area start.

Extinguish flamesnearby to stay in the shadows, then kill him when he faces away. Nowgo out and stay in the bushes and kill another guard. Go into thenearby door and take the cat.

Go down the stairs and you'll find twoguards, one walking (that you can see), one standing (that you can't).When both cannot see you, run out and kill the standing guard. In theprison you can find a poison. Extinguish the lights and kill thewalking guard, then use the poison to destroy the lock, and grab thekey and ninjato inside. Now go up the stairs and you'll find a lockeddoor nearby. Open it, and kill the walking gaurd inside. As you presson you'll find another standing guard.

Kill him when his back isturned. Now grab the key and unlock the goal door.Go into the thickets. Kill the guard and take the box, then place itbeside the nearby wall so you can jump onto it. Now kill the guardfrom aboce and find a key nearby. You'll see a door near you and aguard inside. When he can't see you, go into the shadows and jumponto the rafters.

Kill the guard from above, then move along therafters and you'll find another guard that you can kill from above.Now jump down and move on and you'll find a door with a guard outside.Kill him when his back is turned. You'll find some ghostmakers nearbyso use them to kill the last guard you can see.

Now go to the goal.STAGE 9 - ESCORTING THE PRINCESS TSS09You'll begin the stage with a swordfight.Use a kunai to kill a guard on your right. Now jump onto a nearby treeand jump to another tree with a fishing rod at its base. Grab it thengo back onto the tree.

Now go to the next tree, and jump down. Nowhand from the ledge on your left and kill the guard. Go back up andhide behind the nearby wagon. Kill the nearby guard and then jump downfrom the cliff onto a platform. Jump onto another tree and move tothe next one.

Jump to the next tree and then jump down. Kill a guardto your left by hanging to the left and go back to the beginning. Usea kasugai and you'll see an enemy below. Kill him from above and thenrun to the goal.Run through the bridge and jump onto the trees in order to jump overa hole on the ground. Now jump over the next gap, and ten the one toyour left. Climb up and keep going, then hang on the ledge to waitfor an enemy below you can drop down to kill.

Keep going along thepath and then you'll find two guards when you're at the door. Whenthe armored guard is unaware, run to the guard and kill him frombehind. Now use a ghostmaker on the armored guard. User anotherghostmaker on the armored guard near the goal, and head through.Kill the ninjas hiding in the thickets on either side with kunai.Now go onto the bridge, and then use another kunai to kill the gunneron the tower, and a ninja in the thickets. Hide in the thicketsyourself and kill the guard. Run to the goal.Kill the gunner on the tower with a kunai. Keep to the shadows and killthe nearby guard.

Keep to the shadows and you'll find a guard whostands there. Move up to him and kill both him and the guard in theroom nearby in one stroke. Now you can use a knuai on the epxlosivesin the room nearby to take out another guard, leaving you a clear wayto the goal.Go into the nearby door and grab the key, then kill the guard nearby.Use a ghostmaker on the other guard nearby and go to the other housewhere you'll see another guard.

Kill him and go up the stairs, whereyou will find another guard in the room. Kill him when his back isturned and then go outside. Kill the gunner, and then head to the goal.Go around the corner of the building, and kill the nearby guard, thenhide in the shadows after extinguishing a flame.

Kill the nearbystanding guard, and hide in the shadows again. Kill the gunner onthe tower when the guard is beneath it to kill them both. Grab thekey nearby and go into the building. Kill the guard inside, then usea kunai to kill an enemy in the thickets near the goal.

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Go to the goal.Now you have another swordfight before the level ends.STAGE 10 - SEKIYA NAOTADA TSS10Hide in the thickets on the right when you're not noticed. Then killthe ninja when he's nearby. Now go to the thickets near the gaurd andkill him to take his key. Use a shuriken or kunai to kill the ninjahiding on the opposite side of where you are. Go to the goal.Hide to the thickets and kill the guard when he is near.

Go to theright and keep going, killing a ninja in the shadows with a shuriken.You'll eventually come across a walking guard. Go under the balconyand kill him when he's nearby. Now kill the other guard from thebalcony and go to the goal.Use a shuriken or kunai on a ninja in front of you, then on the twonear the pond. Hide in the shadows after extinguishing the flamesthen kill the ninja as he nears. Now kill a ninja in the thicketsnear a hole in the wall. Go into the building and you'll find a ninjayou can kill when his back is turned. Now go out and you'll finda walking guard you can kill from below the balcony nearby.

Now youcan make a beeline for the goal.Shuriken/kunai the ninja hiding in the thickets, then hide in thethickets. Use another shuriken/kunai on a ninja when he gets near thefire to kill him. Now go up the stairs and you'll find two guards.When they are nearby, throw a smoke bomb and kill them both. Nowjump over the fire and go to the roof.

You'll see a platform withkasugai on them. Drop to it and kill the ninja nearby. Now you'll findanother ninja as you go forward, so kill him when his back is turned.You can now go to the goal.Climb onto the rafters, and follow them leftwise. Kill a guard fromabove then drop down and go through the smoke.

Use a shuriken whenyou find a ninja, and then go forward. You'll find another ninjayou can kill rather effortlessly, and go to the goal.Grab the nearby shuriken, and kill the hidden ninja in the corner.Now grab the kasugai. Go to the door and use the kasugai on themattress when the guard is away. When he comes back, kill him. Now youwill see another ninja as you go to the door.

Kill him when his backis turned and keep going. Jump over the fire, and go to the goal.Grab the shuriken nearby and jump onto the rafters. Kill the ninjabelow you, and drop down.

You'll see a samurai and a fishing rod.Grab the fishing rod when the coast is clear and use it on the guardwhen he is near the fire to kill him. Now use a ghostmaker to blowopen the wall and go through, then climb into the rafters.

Kill theninja, and head to the end of the level, and the game.You'll have to fight another swordfight. As always, you die in onehit, but swordfights are rather easy, so you shouldn't have too muchtrouble.Congratulations, you beat Tenchu: Shadow Assassins!IV. VERSION HISTORY TSVer1.0-First Version-Walkthrough finishedV. CREDITS TSCre-GameFAQs, for making this site, which I use a lot.-From Software for making this game. Much better than the last Tenchuon PSP.-Ubisoft for bringing it here.

Otherwise I'd have had to import it.And that would've been annoying.