Timber And Stone Act Definition
.defined the essence of liberty as independence, which required the ownership. The Timber and Stone Act. After having a fair understanding with all of the men,.
. Introduced in the House as H.
1016 by (-) on January 15, 1872. Committee consideration by,. Passed the House on January 23, 1872 (voice vote ). Passed the Senate on April 16, 1872 (voice vote ) with amendment.
House agreed to Senate amendment on April 29, 1872 (voice vote ). Signed into law by President on May 10, 1872Major amendmentsThe General Mining Act of 1872 is a that authorizes and governs and for economic, such as gold, platinum, and silver, on federal. This law, approved on May 10, 1872, codified the informal system of acquiring and protecting mining claims on, formed by prospectors in California and Nevada from the late 1840s through the 1860s, such as during the.All citizens of the United States of America 18 years or older have the right under the 1872 mining law to locate a lode (hard rock) or placer (gravel) mining claim on federal lands open to mineral entry. These claims may be located once a discovery of a locatable mineral is made.
Locatable minerals include but are not limited to platinum, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, uranium and tungsten. 'My claim, Sir!' A prospector defends his claim at the, 1861.Miners and prospectors in the of 1849 found themselves in a legal vacuum. Although the US federal government had laws governing the leasing of mineral land, the United States had only recently acquired California by the, and had little presence in the newly acquired territories.Miners organized their own governments in each new mining camp (for example the ), and adopted the Mexican mining laws then existing in California that gave the discoverer right to explore and mine gold and silver on public land. Miners moved from one camp to the next, and made the rules of all camps more or less the same, usually differing only in specifics such as in the maximum size of claims, and the frequency with which a claim had to be worked to avoid being forfeited and subject to being claimed by someone else.
California miners spread the concept all over the west with each new mining rush, and the practices spread to all the states and territories west of the. Mining legislation before 1872 Although the practices for open mining on public land were more-or-less universal in the West, and supported by state and territorial legislation, they were still illegal under existing federal law. At the end of the, some eastern congressmen regarded western miners as squatters who were robbing the public patrimony, and proposed seizure of the western mines to pay the huge war debt.
In June 1865, Representative of Indiana introduced a bill for the government to take the western mines from their discoverers, and sell them at. Representative proposed that the government send an army to, and to expel the miners 'by armed force if necessary to protect the rights of the Government in the mineral lands.' He advocated that the federal government itself work the mines for the benefit of the treasury.Western representatives successfully argued that western miners and prospectors were performing valuable services by promoting commerce and settling new territory. In 1864, Congress passed a law that instructed courts deciding questions of contested mining rights to ignore federal ownership, and defer to the miners in actual possession of the ground.
The following year, Congressional supporters of western miners tacked legislation legalizing lode (hardrock) mining on public land onto a law regarding ditch and canal rights in California, Oregon, and Nevada. The legislation, known as the 'Chaffee laws' after Colorado Territorial representative, passed and was signed on July 26, 1866.Congress extended similar rules to placer mining claims in the 'placer law' signed into law on July 9, 1870. The Mining Law of 1872 The Chaffee law of 1869 and the placer law of 1871 were combined into the General Mining Act of 1872. The mining law of 1866 had given discoverers rights to stake mining claims to extract, (the principal ore of ).
When Congress passed the General Mining Act of 1872, the wording was changed to 'or other valuable deposits,' giving greater scope to the law. The 1872 law was codified as 30 U.S.C. §§ 22-42The 1872 act also granted extralateral rights to lode claims, and fixed the maximum size of lode claims as 1500 feet (457m) long and 600 feet (183m) wide.
The Act of 1872 also set the price for land assumed under the mining act:FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. (approved July ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy) a patent shall issue for the placer-claim, including such vein or lode, upon the payment of five dollars per acre such vein or lode claim, and twenty-five feet of surface on each side thereof. The reminder of the placer-claim, or any placer-claim not embracing any vein or lode claim, shall be paid for at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, together with all costs of proceedings. It set the price of the land claim to range $2.50 to $5.00 per acre. This price set by law has remained the same since 1872.Investors in an alleged diamond deposit in the western United States that became known as the paid for amending the General Mining Act of 1872 to include the terms 'valuable mineral deposits' in order to allow legal mining claims in the diamond fields.: 36–37 Volume and worth The Mineral Policy Center estimates that mining companies extract $2 billion to $3 billion in minerals from public lands every year.
From 1872 to 1993, mining companies produced more than $230 billion from lands claimed under the Act, according to the Mineral Policy Center. Some basic terms. Mining claim posted: NO Prospecting, Panning, Sluicing. South, California 2011 photo.A mining claim is the right to explore for and extract minerals from a tract of land.Claim staking is the required procedure of marking the boundaries of the mining claim, typically with wooden posts or substantial piles of rocks. Each western state has slightly different requirements for claim staking.
Once the claim is staked, the prospector documents the claim by filing required forms. Originally the forms were filed with the mining district recorder; today they are filed with the Clerk of the County in which the claim is located, and with the US Bureau of Land Management. Papers are likewise filed to document annual assessment work.A lode claim, also known in California as a quartz claim, is a claim over a hard rock deposit.A is a claim over gold-bearing sand or gravel, often along a stream or river.The mining law opens up land in the, that is, federal land that has been owned by the federal government since it became part of the United States, and that has never been set aside for a specific use. Land dedicated for specific uses such as the White House lawn, national parks, or wilderness areas, is not subject to mineral entry.
Land west of the Great Plains managed by the or the, unless designated as wilderness area, is generally open to mining claims. Federal land on or east of the Great Plains was generally acquired by the federal government through purchase, and so is not considered public domain, and is not subject to mining claims.The mining law applies to some mineral products, but not others, and the list has changed over time. Since 1920, the list of locatable minerals does not include, phosphate, sodium, and potassium. Rights to explore for and extract these are leased through competitive bidding. Common construction material such as sand and gravel are obtained by purchase.All mining claims are initially unpatented claims, which give the right only for those activities necessary to exploration and mining, and last only as long as the claim is worked every year. For instance, the failure to prosecute the work on the tunnel for six months is considered the abandonment of rights to all the undiscovered veins on the line of the tunnels.
In addition, at least $100 worth of labor shall be performed or improvements made annually. If this does not occur, the claim or mine upon which such failure occurred shall be made to relocation in the same manner as if no location of the same had ever been made. The original mining law gave miners the opportunity to obtain (deeds from the government), much as farmers could obtain title under the. The owner of a patented claim can put it to any legal use.
Unparalleled in its depth and historical accuracy, Europa Universalis gives players the freedom to rule any nation from an impressive choice of over 250 countries.Europa Universalis III: Collection contains the award-winning Europa Universalis III grand strategy game along with the Napoleon’s Ambition and In Nomine expansion packs and also brings the expansion packs Heir to the Throne and Divine Wind to retail shelves for the first time, deepening the experience and extending an already robust playing time. Unparalleled in its depth and historical accuracy, Europa Universalis gives players the freedom to rule any nation from an impressive choice of over 250 countries.Europa Universalis III: Collection contains the award-winning Europa Universalis III grand strategy game along with the Napoleon’s Ambition and In Nomine expansion packs and also brings the expansion packs Heir to the Throne and Divine Wind to retail shelves for the first time, deepening the experience and extending an already robust playing time. Unparalleled in its depth and historical accuracy, Europa Universalis gives players the freedom to rule any nation from an impressive choice of over 250 countries.Europa Universalis III: Collection contains the award-winning Europa Universalis III grand strategy game along with the Napoleon’s Ambition and In Nomine expansion packs and also brings the expansion packs Heir to the Throne and Divine Wind to retail shelves for the first time, deepening the experience and extending an already robust playing time. Unparalleled in its depth and historical accuracy, Europa Universalis gives players the freedom to rule any nation from an impressive choice of over 250 countries.Europa Universalis III: Collection contains the award-winning Europa Universalis III grand strategy game along with the Napoleon’s Ambition and In Nomine expansion packs and also brings the expansion packs Heir to the Throne and Divine Wind to retail shelves for the first time, deepening the experience and extending an already robust playing time.
The process of patenting claims has been perhaps the most controversial part of the mining law. Because of a Congress-imposed moratorium, the federal government has not accepted any new applications for mining claim patents since October 1, 1994.The 1872 law granted extra lateral rights to owners of lode claims. This gave the owners of the surface outcrop of a vein the right to follow and mine the vein wherever it led, even if its subsurface extension continued beneath other mining claims. This provision, also known as the law of the apex led to lengthy litigation and even underground battles, especially in, and the. Subsequent amendments The acquisition of mining rights on public land in is mostly governed by the 1872 act.
Subsequent changes to the law include:., an 1878 law that allowed private purchase of minable government land was codified as 43 U.S.C. §§ 311, 313, but subsequently repealed;.
the, 30 U.S.C. Seq., which made certain nonmetallic minerals, such as and, not open to claim staking;. the, 30 U.S.C. Seq., which provides for the sale or public giveaway of certain minerals, such as or;. the (Multiple Mineral Development Act), 30 U.S.C. 12, which provided for the development of multiple minerals on the same tracts of public land;.
the, 30 U.S.C. § 611, which withdrew common varieties from mineral entry; and.
the, 43 U.S.C. § 1744, part of which redefines claim recording procedures and provides for abandonment if the procedures are not followed. Since 1 October 1994 Congress has imposed budget restrictions which have prevented the from accepting new applications for patents on mining claims.Provisions of the 1872 Mining Law were changed with the implementation of the 1976 Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA) effective as of January 1981. Many of the provisions of FLPMA revised the surface uses allowed on mining claims under the 1872 mining law by halting or restricting unnecessary or undue degradation of the public lands.
The regulation portion of the FLPMA is found at 43 CFR 3809 ('Surface Management regulations'). These regulations were updated and the final rules published in December 2001. These rules effectively replace many of the 1872 Mining Law provisions and require mining reclamation, financial guarantees for reclamation to the Federal government, mining claim occupation permits and detailed Mining Plans of Operations to be submitted to the governing agencies before disturbing the surface. Current controversy The control of Congress from 2007-2011 brought a new chair to the resources committee: Rep.
(R, ) lost the 2006 election and was replaced by from, who has been a strong critic of the mining industry.However others, such as Rep. (R-), ranking Republican on the minerals subcommittee and Rep. (R-) believe that the 2001 Surface Management regulations address modern day concerns and that implementing further restrictions on the industry or imposing royalties would force even more of the domestic mining industry out of the country. As stated by Congressman Pearce, 'Why would we as a nation want to send our metals and uranium mining off shore, then wind up reliant on foreign countries for the raw materials we need for our industries and new power plants. We need to learn from past mistakes such as our reliance on the middle east for our petroleum products.' Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2007 On November 1, 2007, the US House passed the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2007 by a vote of 244-116.
The bill would have permanently ended new patents for mining claims, imposed a royalty of 4% of gross revenues on existing mining extracting from unpatented mining claims, and placed an 8% royalty on new mining operations. Mining of private mineral rights (including patented mining claims) would not have been affected. Seventy percent of the royalty money would have gone to a cleanup fund for past abandoned mining operations, and 30% to affected communities. The National Mining Association maintained that, in combination with existing federal, state, and local taxes, the royalty imposed by the bill would have burdened US mining with the highest effective tax rate in the world. The bill was not acted upon by the Senate, and died at the end of the in January 2009.Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2009 The Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2009 was introduced in the US Senate by (D-), but died in committee.The proposed bill provided that the secretary of the interior will establish a royalty rate of from 8% to 15% of the value of locateable mineral production from any new mines on federal mineral lands.
Mines in production on the date of the bill's enactment would not be subject to the royalty. In addition, a reclamation tax of from 0.3% to 1%, the rate set by the secretary of the interior, would be levied on all hardrock mining operations, new and existing, on federal, state, private, and tribal lands. The royalties and reclamation taxes would be used to reclaim abandoned hardrock mines.The proposed legislation was backed by the Obama administration. Interior Secretary stated 'There is a new administration in town, and we want to see the 1872 mining law reformed.' However, in 2010, Senate majority leader, Senator (D-NV), who was thought to oppose the bill as written, announced that, due to other legislative priorities, the bill would not be acted upon before Congress adjourned, and so the bill died at the end of the in January 2011. See also.References. ^ Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1872, p.
Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1872, p. –. Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1872, p. Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1872, p. Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1872, p. Rodman W. Paul, California Gold (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1947) 197-203.
Paul, Rodman W. (1947) California Gold, Lincoln: Univ. Nebraska Press, p.211–213. Rodman W. Paul, California Gold (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1947) 226-227. 'Origin of our mining laws,' Mining & Scientific Press, 23 Sept.
1905, p.203. R.S.
Morrison and Emilio D. De Soto (1917) Mining Rights on the Public Domain, San Francisco: Bender-Moss, p.6.
14 Stat. 251 (July 26, 1866). Curtis H. Lindley (1914) A treatise on the American Law Relating to Mines and Mineral Lands, San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, p.50-63.
Woodard, Bruce A. Boulder, CO: Pruett Press. Pp.
Testimony of Stephen D'Esposito before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, April 28, 1998. Archived from on 2012-02-04. Retrieved 2012-03-29. CS1 maint: archived copy as title part of the public domain public record. US Bureau of Land Management, (n.d.), 2012-02-16 at the, p. 7.
In, the claim staking procedure is called 'pegging.' . US Bureau of Land Management, (n.d.), 2012-02-16 at the, PDF file, p. 13.
US Bureau of Land Management, (n.d.), 2012-02-16 at the, pp. 7–8. US Bureau of Land Management, (n.d.), 2012-02-16 at the, p. 8.
US Bureau of Land Management, (n.d.), 2012-02-16 at the, PDF file, pp. 11–12.
KUBOOM is a multiplayer FPS where up to 10 players can face off in exciting team deathmatch games. After 10 minutes the team that has taken down the most enemies will win the game.The default controls are simple: you have a virtual stick to move around on the left side of the screen and can aim your weapon with the one on the right. To shoot you just need an enemy in your sights, but you can change this in the setup options.From the main menu in KUBOOM you can customize the look of both your character and your weapons. Kuboom play online.
US Bureau of Land Management, (n.d.), 2012-02-16 at the, pp. 3–4. ^ US Bureau of Land Management: 2014-11-29 at the. Dan Plazak, A Hole in the Ground with a Liar at the Top, (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2006) pp. 22–26, 185. 43 CFR 3809. '1872 mining law reform passes House, still faces uphill battle', Mining Engineering, Dec.
Archived from on 20 November 2008. Retrieved 28 December 2008. Govtrack.us. Retrieved October 5, 2012. 'New mining law reform bill introduced in U.S. Senate', Mining Engineering, May 2009, p.8. 'Promise of change to the 1872 mining law resurfaces', Mining Engineering, August 2009, p.7.
'Mining law reform will not happen this year,' Mining Engineering, April 2010, p.13.External links. from the., US Bureau of Land Management. from the. by The New York Times, July 20, 2009.
When buying land a person should always inquire about timber rights. This relatively old legality allows individuals to own all or part of the standing timber on any given piece of property — without actually owning the land on which it grows. It's considered part of the bundle of rights to land, most of which can be sold separately.Historically, the rights to timber were sold by farmers who wanted to clear their land anyway for crops or livestock, and during the Great Depression folks were more than happy to get money for their standing timber. These days it's worth your while to check the fine print on your title deed so no one shows up with a chain saw and turns your favorite shade tree into a collection of 2-by-4s.
About Timber DeedsTimber deeds are written in many different ways. Some allow for perpetuity, while others allow for logging within a certain period of time, after which the deed is extinguished.Moreover, depending on the specific timber deed, the owners of the timber may take all of the trees, only trees over a certain size or only trees of a certain species. It's interesting to note that the value of timber is measured using the diameter at breast height — or DBH — in order to avoid the butt swell and give a more accurate indicator of board feet.
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