Crash Dive Youtube
Promo trailer for Crash Dive, a tactical submarine combat game designed for iOS and Android tablets.
Crash Dive Lite 介绍
Crash Dive Lite
WWII tactical submarine combat on your Android tablet!Take command of a U-boat prowling the Atlantic in search of enemy convoys to sink. Sneak past the escorts and torpedo the transports, or surface and use your deck gun.When the escorts come after you, drop decoys and sneak away before they can crush you with their depth charges.The first game of its kind designed for touch-screen devices.This Lite version contains the tutorials and one Challenge mission from the full version of Crash Dive. You can also purchase individual play modes from the Full version, including War Patrol (campaign) mode, random encounter generator, and two additional Challenges.Features:* Smoothly blends a submarine simulator with arcade action.* Provides the tools for both stealth and offense; you decide how aggressive you want to be.* Location-based damage/repair affects the performance of your sub.* Four difficulty levels.* Tutorial mode to help you learn the ropes.
来自应用汇: Crash Dive Lite
Crash Dive Lite 历史版本
- 1.5.49:• Random Mission: Convoys will always have at least 3 transports (no more single-escort missions!)• Random Mission: Convoys will never be angled further than 90 degrees from player.下载
- 1.5.48: Bug fixes to high score loading/saving.下载
- WWII tactical submarine combat on your Android tablet!下载
Take command of a U-boat prowling the Atlantic in search of enemy convoys to sink. Sneak past the escorts and torpedo the transports, or surface and use your deck gun.
When the escorts come after you, drop decoys and sneak away before they can crush you with their depth charges.
The first game of its kind designed for touch-screen devices.
This Lite version contains the tutorials and one Challenge mission from the full version of Crash Dive. You can also purchase individual play modes from the Full version, including War Patrol (campaign) mode, random encounter generator, and two additional Challenges.
* Smoothly blends a submarine simulator with arcade action.
* Provides the tools for both stealth and offense; you decide how aggressive you want to be.
* Location-based damage/repair affects the performance of your sub.
* Four difficulty levels.
* Tutorial mode to help you learn the ropes. - 下载
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Crash Dive Lite 版本更新
• Fixed bug where shelled convoy ships (hit or near miss) would sometimes report incorrect player position to escorts (who would then race excitedly off to the completely wrong place).
• Cleared leaderboards (due to difficulty change from above bug fix).
• Improved ship LOD switching.
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用户对 Crash Dive Lite 的评论
- la289个月前
Crash Dive Lite 信息大小:94.06M Lords cricket.
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