Perfect Dark Weapons


Simply set up a multiplayer game against all Dark Sims with nothing but Remote Mines for weapons. It will only take a few seconds for the melee to begin, and you'll soon notice that Sims in Perfect Dark cannot detonate their own Remote Mines after they plant them!

This is a guide for those who are starting fresh and need help with where to get each weapon. I will list the missions where they can be found. Remember in order to obtain the weapons you must have them equipped before beating the mission.

20The RC-P90 is a powerful and accurate personal defense weapon with a massive ammo capacity and extremely rapid rate of fire. It is fairly rare, only appearing in three of the game's missions. It is able to penetrate many objects, including doors. A single shot causes slightly more damage than a or, but the power is just short of the or the.Appearances(Inside crate on Agent)Notes. This weapon is based on the real-world.

Hohokam fun facts. Hohokam 是什么意思中文翻译与英英解释adj.〔美考古〕霍荷卡姆文化的。Hohokam (h?-hō'k?m) is one of the four major prehistoric archaeological Oasisamerica traditions of what is now the American Southwest. Many local residents put the accent on the first syllable (ho'-ho-kahm).例句与用法1.The next group to settle in the area was a culture we now call the ' hohokam ' or ' vanished ones.图森是有高科技工业的一个现代城市,有世纪级的文化事件,还保持了沙漠前沿的风范。2.The hohokam, salado and other peoples who lived here between 850 and the late 1200s or so didn ' t use stone slabs as floors, he says, but still, the ground should be compacted伍德说,荷荷康族、沙拉多族和其他在公元850年到13世纪末居住于此地的人,虽然没有用石板来铺地,但地面也应该很紧实才对。.

No prerelease screenshots using this name are known to exist, but an unused text string can be found for it in Perfect Dark. This string seems to have been lifted from the ones used by GoldenEye's inventory during development. It's possible that this weapon's fictional name was inspired by the Reality Co-Processor, the Nintendo 64's graphics processing chip. In the, it is possible to find guards the RC-P90.

These guards will only show up after disappears into the elevator. The RC-P90 was featured in as the. The weapon was voted #4 in 's Best. Ever. The RC-P90 was #6 on 's list of The 50 Best Weapons of All Time. The FN P90 only holds 50 rounds in its magazine.

It is speculated that the RC-P90's 80 magazine is actually a mistake due to directly giving the RC-P90 0x50 (that is, 80 in hexadecimal) bullets rather than 0x32 (50 in decimal). The RC-P90 has the largest magazine capacity in the game.Goldeneye 007 (N64) - Weapons and Gadgets RC-P90.