Solforge Card Game
I use a ps4 controller to play my games with ds4 to xinput, but when i play this game it recognizes it as two controllers.Obviously i would play with the ds4 to xinput off, but the buttons aren't mapped right. Now native ps4 controller support would be good, but i doubt that would happen for multiple reasons.So if the devs could disable the ps4 controller functions so the controller mappings won't be stacked when i emulate the 360 controller or if someone could show me a work around that'll be greatly appreciated. Ori and the blind forest ps4.
SolForge is a free to play digital trading card game designed for cross-platform and mobile play. Build your own decks from multiple styles of play, and play against friends or compete in online tournaments - or for a little downtime, face the single-player campaign mode where your actions decide the story.
I've been playing it as a strictly free player. The game is sort of fun for a spectromancer variant. The packs which get you the good cards (legendary) are far too expensive though for what you get so I doubt I'll ever actually spend money on it. $13 for virtual cards is insane and given the heroic and legendary cards are just much better than the common and rare cards it has far too much pay to win for me to buy in. Which is unfortunate because at somewhere closer to $4 for the top pack I might consider buying a few but for the cost of just a couple packs I can get a ton of different IOS games including a number of very similar lane based spectromancer knock offs. This game is basically 'Peak online CCG', or at least I HOPE it's peak.
The amazing balance issues with card rarity and outrageous pricing are absolutely unbelievable. There's a semi-interesting game bogged down by a client that doesn't even have a usable multiplayer mode (the client often DCs and the timer is essentially non-functional) but is still begging you pay hundreds of dollars for randomized packs so MAYBE you can make the deck you want.
I can only hope that after a few more games like this we stop seeing. like this and instead see more decent games like Spectromancer. Yeah this game is so bad it can give you cancer after a brief exposure.
Boggles the mind that people would even play it. It is basically a glorified snap. Might and Magic Duel of Heroes is much the same or Hearthstone, terribly simple games, with a bit of flash that has one purpose only. Fleece you of money. I mean if the game was decent maybe, but even so a digital CCG. That is the most retarded thing I could think of for a card game.LCGs would make a much better choice for a online card game.
The DLC idea is already well established and much more fair. If these had any attempt at being a serious game instead of a money grabbing pile of bullshit then it would be a LCG or like Duels using set decks.These games will come be around for 2 or 3 years and be gone. Maybe Hearthstone might stay as it is a blizzard game and they make billions from WoW. 7Million subs at 20 bucks a month. Is anyone else still playing this?
I'm still 100% free to play but just doing my dailies has built up a pretty impressive collection. Playsets of all commons and rares as well as playsets of several heroics and 1 set of legendarys. So it is possible (although time consuming from a sheer number of days required even if it only about 15 minutes a day you need to play) to build up a decent collection without putting in a dime. I am still loving it and am always looking to get some games in.
My handle is Gumbercules! So you felt the best thing to do to make your point was find a four month old post and reply to it?Attempting to get things back on topic here Solforge is now available on iPhone as well so I downloaded and have been playing it. It's a decent game so far. I try to play (and win) my 3 daily games for the free cards, and only occasionally play much more than that.
I have no idea how many cards I'm missing from my collection but since I haven't spent any cash obviously I'm missing nearly all of the Heroic/Legendary cards.Deckbuilding on the iPhone isn't a very good experience which has limited my interest in playing the game, but it's decent as a light time filler. I happen to agree with Toqtamish that it's not as deep as some other games, but currently it's the only one of the current crop that fits in my pocket and that counts for a lot. I've heard that they're working on a mobile version of Hearthstone though.
What a nice, hopeful poem about the Shima Longtail by Xena!This concludes today's four posts - check back tomorrow for four more! Chicken smoothie shima longtail.
I think for me it comes down to:1. Not enough interesting decisions to make. You pick two cards to play from a menu of five. Sometimes you also make a choice of which of 5 lanes to play them in. Other times the lane is obvious or doesn't matter. If your menu of five cards is a mix of levels, it is almost always correct to play the higher level cards - eliminating yet another decision.2. For the most part, cards are rather vanilla.
There is no such thing as a support card. There are no 'costs' to pay either in terms of resources or exhausting cards. You can never do anything on your opponent's turn at all.
No card really 'breaks the rules' and there's barely any concept of a combo. In order to make online play buttery-smooth (which they succeeded at I think), they've had to remove all the weird stuff that a normal LCG/CCG usually has. Unfortunately, these bumpy spiky odd bits are often what makes the game interesting and losing a huge percentage of the special ability design space has left the game a little bland.3. No hand management. I can't hold cards for later. I don't have to make choices about what to discard. I just pick with almost no thought of future hands because the connection between my hand this turn and my hand next turn has been entirely severed.
Playing a card doesn't even reduce the number of copies that remain in the 'rest' of my deck. Granted, it does replace this with a system of choosing which cards to upgrade (because they're the ones you play), but the decisions usually aren't that hard.Disclaimers: I only play against the AI. Games would probably be a little more interesting against online opponents but because of its nature as an iPhone game I can't guarantee that I can play the whole game through at once - I may get interrupted and this would be bad if someone else was on the other end.
Also, the phone based deck builder isn't very good. If it worked better, it might lead to slightly more interesting decks. Probably not a lot though.
Here is a list of games that are similar to Solforge.
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